2022 Bridge is Coming Back!
By Anna Gudge In Archive, Event update, News, Official announcements On 19th November 2021
From the WBF President
July 8th, 2021
Dear Bridge Players, dear Friends … At Last ! Bridge is coming back!
We have not had the opportunity to meet and to enjoy either bridge or social time together since October 2019. This has meant that, owing to the dramatic effects of COVID-19, that shocked the whole world, we have been obliged first to delay and then to cancel all our Championships and Events for two whole years, 2020 and 2021.
The virus is not yet completely eradicated, but thanks to the tremendous efforts made by Science in finding a vaccine capable of reducing and mitigating its devastating effects, we have begun to return to a more normal life.
The situation has to be carefully considered and approached, but we are allowed to restart our planning to hold our championships in 2022.
As we stated, we have a strong will to do this and have had work in progress which means that now I am very pleased to confirm that :
- The 45th World 2021 Bridge Team Championships (Bermuda Bowl, Venice Cup, d’Orsi Seniors Trophy, Wuhan Cup & World National Teams Trophy) will be held in Salsomaggiore Terme, Italy from 27th March to 9th April. Click here to read the First Information Letter about the Championships.
- The 16th World Bridge Series (Rosenblum Cup, McConnell Cup, Rand Cup, Mixed Teams & Open. Women, Seniors, Mixed Pairs) will be held in Wroclaw, Poland from 19 August – 3 September 2022
- The 7th World Youth Transnational Bridge Championship will be held in August in Salsomaggiore Terme, Italy. The Youth Committee is defining the dates that will be published next week, together with all the useful information.
With my colleagues of the Executive Council, I am confident that we will have a great 2022 bridge year to finally once again enjoy all together our beloved discipline.
With my best wishes to you and your families and looking forward to meeting you,
Un abbraccio
Gianarrigo Rona