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1st Online Yeh Bridge World Cup

1st Online Yeh Bridge World Cup

By In News On 2nd November 2016

This was the first time such an event has been staged, and its success outweighed expectation.

There has been a series of Press Releases relating to the tournament and about some of the players and which you can find at: http://bridgeonlineworldcup.com/press/

The winning team was Lavazza, from Italy.

Following the event Bill Gates, who played in the BBO team, tweeted: “This morning I played in the first-ever online @BridgeWorldCup. I hope this draws more people to the card game I love playing”

Website: http://bridgeonlineworldcup.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bridgeonlineworldcup/
Twitter: @BridgeWorldCup